Our mission
The Association has unlimited duration, no-profit ideals and mainly pursues aims of social solidarity with the victims of accidents occurring to riders during the motorcycle competition and thus it may do, not limited to the following, the undersigned activities:
– Assistance to drivers who were victims of motorcycle accidents during competitions of various kinds, with particular attention to the athletes affected by the spinal cord injuries and other serious injuries which by their nature require rehabilitative care;
– Fundraising aimed at providing assistance to injured athletes during sports competitions, and to their families, for the necessary rehabilitation;
– Fundraising aimed at supporting scientific research projects related to the treatment of spinal cord injuries;
– Promotion of awareness campaigns on safety issues in the motorcycling competitions, particularly directed to the development of the security measures of circuits and cross-tracks, pilots and technical clothing;
– Promotion of activities that can encourage the spread of motorcycle sports;
– Organization of conferences, exhibitions, and congresses.
The Association may not engage in activities other than those mentioned above, with the exception of those directly connected with or ancillary to the nature of those articles of the statute of the association, as integrative of the same.
The Association can also join, by resolution to be adopted by the ordinary members, other associations or organizations, when it returns to the attainment of its social purpose.
From 2010 to today, Riders4Riders non-profit organization has provided assistance to several motorcycle riders, athletes and non athletes, victims of serious accidents in the race or workout.
It also supported the research for the treatment of spinal cord injury by supporting scientific projects coordinated by Wings for Life http://www.wingsforlife.com/en/research/
Currently it is helping to finance the project described in section “Riders4Riders for research”