
The Association Marina Romoli Onlus was received in hearing at the headquarters of the Lombardy Regional Council

The Association Marina Romoli Onlus was received in hearing at the headquarters of the Regional Council of Lombardy.
The 3rd Commission for Health and Social Policies of the Lombardy Region has listened with interest the proposal put forward by Dr. Loredana Longo, vice president of the association, concerning the creation of a fund to support the research for a cure to paralysis caused by “chronic spinal cord injury” .

President Fabio Rizzi and councilors Maria Teresa Baldini, Anna Lisa Baroni, Paola Macchi and Lara Gizzardi were proved favorable to initiative and willing to pursue it in the needed bureaucracy.

For her part, Marina Romoli Onlus propose further ideas on the type of research to be funded, names of expert researchers in the field  to be consulted and centers of excellence to be taken into account to develop a new research project in Lombardy.


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